Integrated Services on Drilling Rig
Client required a TR (Temporary Refuge) test on a Drilling Rig and informed us that there was an issue with at least two doors within the TR boundary.
Nucore Project Scope
To provide our clients with a cost-effective solution, we provided a “TR testing team” consisting of the Lead Technician and one of our Door Specialist Technicians.
The original TR Test identified the two faulty doors, which were the repaired within 24 hours and this then allowed the TR re-test, which was successfully completed.
Key Outcomes of the Project
Without doubt utilizing a Door Specialist Technician as the “assistant” negated the need for at least four mobilisations (8 helicopter flights and 4 cabins @ 20 days) As the Rig was based in the Middle East the cost of mobilisations was greatly reduced.
The integration of two of our service offerings such as the above, is aimed at saving our clients on cost and adding value for money by reducing mobilisation fees and bedspace requirement.
Compliance and Modular Doors
Middle East
Oil and Gas