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A vessel had been operating in the North Sea for several years, but due to a contract award in early 2020 the vessel was assigned to work in the Gulf of Mexico.

The current capabilities of the cooling systems on board were a concern. 

Nucore were tasked with providing a quote to replace the air conditioning systems/ equipment in several key areas. This was provided after Nucore completed a survey on the AC system when the vessel entered a North-East Scotland port. The survey revealed that the current AC equipment was in good order, and with re-design and upgrade, we were able to utilize 80% of the existing equipment. This reduced the cost of the initial quotation by 50%.


The service was completed within a tight timescale, safely, and within budget.  


The vessel is now operating in the Gulf of Mexico for over a year now with no issues reported with the AC and Cooling in any of the key areas that Nucore worked in.



HVAC & Refrigeration





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